Quick Showcase Thread

Some homebrew of mine is now able to visualise SFX and modulation. It makes for a nice way of understanding how they work, as opposed to staring at the raw SMPS data instead. Hopefully I'll be able to release this soon.
how would i add this to my hack? github and hivebrain is fine

Are you asking for the code...? The method is relatively the same between both disassemblies. What exactly are you trying to achieve in your project?

This version is made so that the player can move around freely during the transition, but it's quite choppy, and imperfect. One of these days I want to make a smoother version of the effect, but that may take a while.
Are you asking for the code...? The method is relatively the same between both disassemblies. What exactly are you trying to achieve in your project?

This version is made so that the player can move around freely during the transition, but it's quite choppy, and imperfect. One of these days I want to make a smoother version of the effect, but that may take a while.
Project '92
Basically a what if hack
What if SEGA took the time to remake Sonic 1 instead of making Sonic 2?
I was digging through some old hacks of mine when I stumbled across these ancient relics from 2014 and 2016.

Remember that Project Sand/Sonic Aftermath hack that I have a few old videos about? Here's the one level of it that was worked on before the project died: Sand Zone from Cave Story.

There's not much that I can tell you about it: this one test level was made before I came up with any ideas for gimmicks and the sort. That purple mess in the middle of the stage is supposed to be spikes, but its graphics are overwritten with the level tiles.

I believe that the music is a straight port from Cave Story: the Organya music was converted to XM with the org2xm tool, then that was converted to SMPS with xm2smps, and then that was converted from binary to ASM with SMPS2ASM, allowing it to be installed in my hack's custom sound driver. This hack was either rocking my Sonic 2 Clone Driver v2, or Flamewing's Flamedriver. After all this time, I can't remember which.

This footage is of an earlier build of my hack than the one seen in the other videos. The reason for this is that the hack was remade from scratch after this build, and this level was never reintroduced afterwards.

Here's a cutscene that was one of the last things that was worked on before the project died.

This was meant to be the opening cutscene to Knuckles' story: the hack was meant to be a 'what if' scenario where Sonic 2 ends differently, leading to a different series of events in what would be Sonic 3. This cutscene depicts the Death Egg landing in Angel Island's volcano directly after the events of Sonic 2, instead of the lake like it normally does. Following this, Knuckles would have gone to investigate it. At the time, I didn't have Knuckles ported into the game, so I used Sonic as a placeholder.

Between this cutscene, Sand Zone, and the custom title screen, this is all there ever was to Project Sand/Sonic Aftermath.
I've been working on a kind of silly hack where you play as Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles on a Pogo-stick through Green Hill zone. It's not finished yet ,but it should be fun.

In the end, you'll play through just Green Hill.... I think


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I've finally added support for the YM2612's LFO to my emulator. It was hard to find any games that make significant use of it, and even harder to find documentation on how it works. In the end, I had to rely on the Nuked OPN2 project to provide an explanation of the YM2612's internal circuitry.
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