Share your FM patches/instruments!


Powered by a malfunctioning Motorola 68000
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Got a set of FM patches you want to share? Post 'em here!

I'll start off with a couple packs I made, both with a GYB bank, and individual DMP and VGI files. (The GYB banks do not have MIDI instruments assigned. The banks were auto-generated, and I can't be arsed to assign hundreds of patches. Pick your favorites and assign them to your liking.)

First is the Touhou PC-98 patch set, which were all directly ripped from every mainline PC-98 Touhou game. The PC-98 uses an OPN sound chip, the YM2608, and the patches were able to be ported over for use with the YM2612 with no compromises!

The other one is a collection of patches from Genesis games that Yuzo Koshiro made music for (The Revenge of Shinobi, the Streets of Rage series, and Beyond Oasis). Some of these patches make use of AMS and FMS, but the LFO parameter was dynamically set via a tracker command for them, so I opted not to set them in the rips.



  • Touhou PC-98
    46.9 KB · Views: 81
  • Yuzo Koshiro
    142.1 KB · Views: 58
Here's a gyb file I made in 2017 and continued using until the end of 2020. After that, I started making my own patches and no longer needed this. It's all instruments I thought were cool from songs I liked.


    1.8 KB · Views: 54
Got a set of FM patches you want to share? Post 'em here!

I'll start off with a couple packs I made, both with a GYB bank, and individual DMP and VGI files. (The GYB banks do not have MIDI instruments assigned. The banks were auto-generated, and I can't be arsed to assign hundreds of patches. Pick your favorites and assign them to your liking.)

First is the Touhou PC-98 patch set, which were all directly ripped from every mainline PC-98 Touhou game. The PC-98 uses an OPN sound chip, the YM2608, and the patches were able to be ported over for use with the YM2612 with no compromises!

The other one is a collection of patches from Genesis games that Yuzo Koshiro made music for (The Revenge of Shinobi, the Streets of Rage series, and Beyond Oasis). Some of these patches make use of AMS and FMS, but the LFO parameter was dynamically set via a tracker command for them, so I opted not to set them in the rips.

Hello faith , ProjectFM & Any other kool katz Reading this & in the Know ;)

! I'm Totally new to this & a bit out of my element here...I make music with FM synths of various kinds among other instruments all with hardware instruments... I Saw your Posts & it got me thinking... AS I recently purchased the MEGA FM Synth which uses the Original Sega Megadrile YM2612 chips for its Sound generation & i was wondering if any of these patches you've Shared could work in it ???

Now Usually for instrument midi & most often .Syx midi files containing a bank of Sound is what is used ...Im not Sure if you know how to convert these to that format to work in a Synthesizer. But if you understand how to do that... that would be highly appreciated as Im out of my depth on that sort of thing...& if NOT if you can direct me anywhere i could find SySex banks with Sega Megadrive sounds & the like that would also be amazing! Cheers... & thanks too all who took the time to read this... any & all Support on this Megadrive QueST .syx quest is much appreciated! here is my synth for refence...
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