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  1. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

    drinks a glass of water
  2. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

  3. DeltaWooloo

    Mini-tutorials Thread - MDDC Edition

    Thanks for the optimizations, you two. You are much appreciated! djohe reminded me that a standard subroutine already handles the boss moving code that I wasn't aware of in Sonic 2. So whoever hacks Sonic 2 and uses the code I mentioned above, please recheck the tutorial as the guide has been...
  4. DeltaWooloo

    Mini-tutorials Thread - MDDC Edition

    Optimise the BossMove subroutine for Sonic 1 and 2 Earlier last month, I've had a conversation with vladikcomper to find the best methods to optimise Sonic 1. He came across how it is possible to optimise the BossMove subroutine, which moves the bosses. And after doing my quick analysis by...
  5. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

    Credits to LackofTrack for the SMC Options theme
  6. DeltaWooloo

    Mini-tutorials Thread - MDDC Edition

    Fix some graphical bubble glitch when drowning in Sonic 1 I want you to take a look at this image: Now see where I circled the issue in pink, you may believe it's intentional, but that little graphic hangs there when you drown, which is quite unlogical. Looking at the code in a standard...
  7. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

    Double posting to showcase my ROM hack: It's barebones but it will evolve into something spectacular over time:
  8. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

  9. DeltaWooloo

    The Free Assets Thread

    Time to share some big ass thing for the first time in this community. The Another South Island Adventure disassembly is now public. Please click me to download! Please check the read me text file in the disassembly before continuing~
  10. DeltaWooloo

    The Sonic 3 shields porting guide to Sonic 1 - Hivebrain and GitHub

    OK, my lads. Now comes the meat, and we’re getting that up and running. How to port the elemental shields to Sonic 1. Now I'm aware Clownacy did this last year but some people like to learn through text than watching videos. So I won’t repeat myself; read the disclaimer in the first post before...
  11. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

    It's still barebones but progress is being made. We still got a few things that have been kept secret for now but when the time comes to show it, I promise it won't disappoint~
  12. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

  13. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

  14. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

    You can't hide the image with the blur; I can see behind the effects, and I know what's going on. So let me do an analysis, shall we? In the picture sent by Inferno, there are five colours: red, orange, purple, grey-green and blue. Initially, I thought the colours weren't that important until I...
  15. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

    [removed since I got everything underway] Please can you trash this post?
  16. DeltaWooloo

    Code Proof Reading and Optimization Thread

    I'll throw a bit of code I need a bit of cleaning: I think it's a mess and I really think this should also need a clean-up but I don't know where to get started. Is it worth re-writing the code?
  17. DeltaWooloo

    The Sonic 3 shields porting guide to Sonic 1 - Hivebrain and GitHub

    I'm currently in the process of writing up how to get the elemental shields running alongside referencing labels for the GitHub/Hive2021 disassembly. Since it'll be a two-parter, this Saturday, I should be able to demonstrate how to get the objects and moves set up. Then the Saturday after to...
  18. DeltaWooloo

    Mini-tutorials Thread - MDDC Edition

    ...; set score counter to update lea ($FFFFFFC0).w,a2 lea ($FFFFFE26).w,a3 add.l d0,(a3) ; add d0*10 to the score move.l #999999,d1 cmp.l (a3),d1 ; is #999999 higher than the score? bhi.w loc_1C6AC ; if yes...
  19. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread

  20. DeltaWooloo

    Quick Showcase Thread
