Recent content by lavagaming1

  1. lavagaming1

    The Mini-Project Release Thread

    remember this ? i hex edited and changed a few pointers in it to locate the newest sega screen (from a new version of the ROM hack) and shc splash screen along with fixing a few bugs such as the camera lock in ghz boss and how the collpasing platforms crumble ,dont complain about the layout in...
  2. lavagaming1

    Code Proof Reading and Optimization Thread

    hi this is my obj manager i kinda feel insecure about ObManagerRamLayoutSize = $A Load_Sprites: tst.b Obj_placement_routine.w bne.w Load_SpriteCustom ; loc_17AB8 Load_Sprites_Init: move.l #Obj_Index,d0 tst.b (s3k_level_mode).w beq.s...
  3. lavagaming1

    Strange carts

    have you played them ?
  4. lavagaming1

    Mini-tutorials Thread - MDDC Edition

    mmmmmmmmmmm isnt this accurate ? cuz it told me the adding was 20 cycles .... or there is this method Do this in the object load i did this in obj37 ring loss which is the object that slows down any...
  5. lavagaming1

    Mini-tutorials Thread - MDDC Edition

    i made an optimized version which is faster than this by 2 cycles ObjectMove: lea x_vel(a0),a5 ; 8 cycles move.l (a5),d0 ;12 cycles (x vel+yvel) move.w d0,d1 ; 4 cycles swap d0 ; swap to the first word (4 cycles) ext.l d1 asl.l #$8,d1 ; multyply by...
  6. lavagaming1

    (WIP) Sonic CD disassembly

    hey so this an md port of mettalic madness from the proto 712 (only issue it has is the layer swappers because collsion remains the same ) and this is a link that has tidal tempest in there aswell (its the 2 levels i disasmbilled)
  7. lavagaming1

    (WIP) Sonic CD disassembly

    thanks i found it in IDA pro i think mine is the jap one because i found it in like 15 lines from where you said it is anyways figured that out ...
  8. lavagaming1

    (WIP) Sonic CD disassembly

    how does sonic CD handel animated tiles ? cuz im trying to find that In MMZ 2 present
  9. lavagaming1

    Sonic Games prioirty managers, my custom one

    i came up with a pretty good idea to optimize sonic 3's prioirty manager by turning the priority sst into an address for the sprite table layer whatever its called this is written in AS it should be alright enough to work with 68k as well MacroSetDisplayOb macro id lea...
  10. lavagaming1

    optimized object 57 from sonic 1

    sooooo there was always a thing with sonic 1 objects that really bothered me a lot like doing this move.w a1,d5 subi.w #$D000,d5 lsr.w #6,d5 andi.w #$7F,d5 move.b d5,(a2)+ what this does is calculate where objects are located in object ram and...
  11. lavagaming1

    The R43C port to the mega drive

    updated the thing to a less outdated disasm and fixed its mess and fixed codes and mappings to work if you have an idea on why the hud is garbbled then PM me thanks for playing
  12. lavagaming1

    The R43C port to the mega drive

    this is a thread about the Tidal tempist act 3 good futuer port to the mega drive made by me , thanks devon for showing me how to set up the header >3 keep in mind this isnt bit perfect bc there is a clean dis that has the MMD header and all Download ...
  13. lavagaming1

    Sonic CD R43C disassembly

    Hello everyone this is my attempt at disassembling R43C from sonic cd tidal tempist proto 712 so far there is a lot of left overs junk in it there is also data from other levels that point to wrong stuff dont really mine em example they duplucated the enemy tonbo from ttz act 1 and 2 stuff like...
  14. lavagaming1

    The Free Assets Thread

    well well its the time of the year when i decide to give one of my badniks codes away (you still have to credit sadly lol) ;---------------------------------------------------- ; Object 4E - Aligator badnik from HPZ ;---------------------------------------------------- Obj4E: move.l...